Thursday 7 November 2013

Day Seven of NaNoWriMo

Day seven of NaNoWriMo is hear, meaning the first week is almost over. And boy has that gone quick!

The target work count for the end of today is 11666 and drum roll I have.....6337
Yes, Loki is disappointed. Today will be a caffeine ruled, word sprint spectacular for me to bump up my count. Wish me luck. If you want to join in with word sprints you can follow me on twitter at @AlicePhotis where I will be posting word sprint times and word totals and some hits, with @KakashiNaruto71 So you can follow away.

Good luck writers! 

xoxo Alice 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Elusive Baroque!

So this afternoon, my dream, dream filofax was delivered. Not that there wasn't a huge kerfuffle when it came down to it. (Mailman needed a signature for her, but his pen wouldn't work, pfft, don't worry, I said, I have pens!)

I first fell in love with the Baroque when I saw Christiana's review on it ( And I adored it. Pink has very quickly been a colour that everything needs to be for me, I have no idea why. But anyway, anyone who likes filofaxes, or collects them, knows how hard it is to get hold of a Baroque. But one pocket baroque popped up on ebay the other day, and I snapped it up so quickly. And here it is:

The outside is soft and smooth and matched my manicure haha

From the side there isn't much in it...yet. I currently have the pen from my Gillio in it because it fits perfect in the pen loop and the silver goes nice with the pink.

It's got four card slots on the far left, then a full length pocket, then a zipper pocket, and then a second full length pocket. As you can see, i'm going to be using it as my wallet/NaNoWriMo word count tracker - gotta keep me on target somehow. 

Terrible hard writing, and I'm behind. Oh no! 

And at the back there is another pocket. 

And then there is that embossing. Just look at it! It is absolutely stunning and does nothing to affect the quality of the filofax. The whole thing is just divine and soft and squidey - though not as much like a Malden as I have been told. Over all, she is even more spectacular than I thought she would be. So pleased to have finally got my hands one!